
First commercial building constructed in 1905 Merrow Merrow Country Store Country Store. Cushing Square area grew because of its central location between Belmont and Watertown location.

cushing square first store

       1933 The Boston Herald
       – Cushing Square the business center of Belmont
     – Conrad Chandlers
       – Batson’s Drug Store
– Payson Drug Store

cushing square first store

Cushing Square is developing into one of the best centers for trading in Greater Boston. Payson Park Market One of the largest and finest A & One P Super Markets in New England. First National had a large storeFirst store

cushing square first store

1963 Comprehensive Plan
       – Both called Cushing Square a major commercial area within the region

       – Both called for significant amendments so that Cushing Square can remain a thriving commercial district

       – Primarily one one and two two-story brick buildings

       – Typical size of buildings: 2,000 Typical 2,000–9,000 square feet 9,000 feet